Avara acquired by management
Avara’s management has acquired the shares of institutional owners and holds approximately 90% of Avara.
Reliable rental living for all life situations
Kouvola is a quiet city, home to approximately 85,000 residents and surrounded by nature. Kouvola’s natural areas provide its residents an active lifestyle surrounded by beautiful landscapes. Tourists can even hike at the Repovesi National Park.
Kouvola is made even more enjoyable by its convenient connections to everywhere in Finland. The transport connections are good both by car or train as Kouvola is situated at a railroad junction. Besides the convenient connections, Kouvola offers its residents year-round culture and events. The awaited highlights are, for example, Dekkaripäivät (’detective story days’), music festival Pioneerifestivaali and the Night of the Arts. In addition, Kouvola has amusement park Tykkimäki which is popular with the kids.
Avara’s Kouvola locations are close to nature, while offering an appropriate dose of the hustle and bustle of a city. Kouvola is perfect for residents who want some adventure in the forests and to enjoy the peace that only nature can offer.
deposit 0 €
Flexibility without commitments
Pets are
Free laundry
In almost all locations
Free house
In almost all locations
Free 50 Mbps
In almost all locations
Kouvola, with its 87,000 residents, is situated along the Kymi River, and combines peace and proximity to nature with great transit connections, extensive services and an affordable price level. Avara has rental apartments in two cozy locations in Kouvola. For example, the Vahtero area is an ideal choice for a family with children. The apartment building in Marjoniemi offers unique living in unique barrack surroundings.
Avara’s apartment building in the Marjoniemi barrack area was built in 1913 and has a great historical spirit. This location is perfect for someone who values unique surroundings. The cozy housing cooperative is in a lush, sheltered location, just a short walk from Kouvola city center. For example, the health station is less than half a kilometer away.
Avara has family row house units in the popular Vahtero neighborhood, made up of small houses. The lush, park-like area offers excellent opportunities for recreational activities and outdoor exercise. The city center is only two kilometers away and schools, a grocery store and a library are less than one kilometer away. Mielakka Ski Resort is 1.5 kilometers away.
Avara’s management has acquired the shares of institutional owners and holds approximately 90% of Avara.
Our sustainability work progressed as planned, and we have made progress towards our carbon neutrality target in a financially sustainable manner.
Geothermal heat as a service contributes to cost-efficiency and low-carbon housing.
Agronominraitti 2
Ajurinkatu 4
Alvar Aallon katu 1
Ankkurikuja 1
Annikinkatu 8
Harjapäänkatu 28
Hatsalankatu 36
Heinämutka 10
Heinämutka 8
Helmiäiskatu 5
Hemmintie 6
Hinaajankatu 4
Hippiäiskuja 2
Honkakatu 1
Huhtalammentie 7
Huhtalammentie 9
Huhtatie 5
Iidankuja 1
Inkilänmäenkatu 27
Inkiläntie 4
Jynkänvuorenkatu 4
Järvisenkatu 1
Jättiläisenkaari 2
Kaarenpiha 3
Kalevalankatu 26
Kangasvuorentie 24
Karhunkatu 20
Kauppakatu 15
Kekkolantie 11
Ketunkallio 16
Kivikatu 7
Kivimäentie 3
Kokkomäentie 10
Kolmas Linja 17
Kopparinkatu 6
Kotikoivuntie 2
Kotikoivuntie 4
Kuhilaskuja 5
Kullervontie 2
Laakavuorentie 11
Laivakatu 1a
Laivakatu 1b
Lakeissuontie 11 C
Lehmustie 8
Lehtoniementie 124
Linnanpuistontie 1 (ent. osoite Pakarilantie 23)
Loimalahdentie 2
Lounatuulentie 4
Lystilänkatu 4
Läntinen kanavatie 23
Läntinen kanavatie 25
Maarukankuja 8
Meri-Rastilan tie 17
Mestarinkatu 12
Moberginkatu 2
Museokatu 12
Mutalahdenpuisto 3
Mutalahdenpuisto 4
Mäkiranta 2
Mäntynummenkuja 9
Nevakatu 4
Noljakantie 25
Norkkotie 1
Oikokatu 13
Orsitie 10
Paarmantie 5
Pakarilantie 23
Palanderinkatu 21
Palo-ojantie 2
Palojoentie 3
Palojoentie 5
Palojoentie 7
Palokorvenkatu 14
Palokuja 3
Palopellonkatu 16
Papulintie 6
Pellonreuna 6
Pellonreunantie 2
Peltolankaari 12a
Pirkkolantie 3
Pitkänmöljäntie 7
Poikuekuja 8
Posliinitehtaankatu 4
Puijonsarventie 63
Punakukonkatu 4
Puunhaltijankuja 5
Puusepänkuja 4
Puusepänkuja 6
Pyrytie 6
Rahikankatu 1
Rasinrinne 5
Rasvatie 1
Rasvatie 10
Rasvatie 6
Rauhalahdentie 42
Saarikatu 14a
Satutie 2
Savolanraitti 5
Schaumanin puistotie 31
Siipikuja 10
Siipikuja 2
Siipikuja 8
Sirppikatu 4
Soittajankuja 1
Sompionpolku 2
Suuruspääntie 5
Takaniityntie 16
Takaniityntie 7
Talonpojankatu 1
Tammistonkatu 27
Tapulikatu 19
Tapulikatu 21
Teirinpiha 2
Tiirantie 8 ja 12
Tikaskatu 3
Toini Muonan katu 3a
Tuomarilankatu 5-7
Tyrskykatu 1
Tyrskykatu 2
Tähtimötie 10
Vapaudenkatu 62
Vesivallintie 27
Vuorenpellontie 12
Vuorenpellontie 14
Välenojanpolku 10
Yhteiskouluntie 8
Ykköspesänkatu 2