Keski-Pasilan uudiskohteessa vuokrausennätys – asunnot vietiin käsistä viikossa
Keski-Pasilaan ensi kesänä valmistuvien Avaran uudiskohteiden vuokraus käynnistyi viime viikon lopulla, ja asuntojen kysyntä on ollut huomattavan suurta.
Reliable rental living for all life situations
The ever-energetic Helsinki is home to over 600,000 people. Even though Helsinki is busy and full of events, it’s also close to nature and, most importantly, the beautiful sea. Helsinki’s secret asset is the wide array of experiences and activities on offer around the clock, no matter what you’re looking for, be it restaurants or museums. Helsinki has something for everyone!
Helsinki has renewed itself throughout the years and offers entirely new kinds of events both for its residents and tourists. Helsinki City Museum by the Senate Square offers free culture and spectacles to visitors. The city oasis Allas Sea Pool offers new ways to enjoy the Baltic Sea in the most central location in the city. The amusement park Linnanmäki has been offering fun for the whole family ever summer for decades.
Helsinki is also a city for the design savvy. In the Design District, you can find interesting brands that invite you to try something new and different.
Helsinki will feel like home if you like to live in the middle of what’s happening, by the sea, in the heart of a bustling city and active urban culture. Avara has cozy and modern apartment buildings in the best locations of the capital city. Perhaps your new home will be by the sea, in the beautiful Arabia district, or in Jätkäsaari, an up and coming neighborhood still under construction. Or would you rather live in the middle of Viikki’s gorgeous nature, less than 30 minutes away from downtown Helsinki? Families with children that appreciate incredible beaches and versatile services will find a perfect home in our Vuosaari location, by Aurinkolahti beach.
Our amazing apartment building in Arabia is next to the sea, by the Toukola waterfront park. The nearest grocery store is just around the corner and shopping center Arabia is less than a kilometer away. The school and kindergarten are just a short walk from the building, making life a little easier for families with children. Helsinki railway station is five kilometers from Arabia, and the closest tram stop is just a block from the front door. Arabia offers a free Internet connection for all residents of the area.
Our modern apartment building in Herttoniemi is surrounded by a green forest landscape nearby Viikki’s gorgeous hiking paths. The housing cooperative is on a cul-de-sac and perfect for someone looking for a little peace and quiet. The bus to downtown Helsinki stops near the building and the nearest metro station is only a kilometer away.
Our apartment building in Jätkäsaari was built in 2014 and is in a spectacular location by the sea, right next to the Western Harbor (Länsisatama). The brand-new area is still under construction and you will be living right at the center of the newest piece of Helsinki. The wide array of services found in Ruoholahti is easily accessible from Jätkäsaari and the nearest grocery store is just a few hundred meters away. The International School of Helsinki is also located in the area.
Avara has two cozy apartment buildings in the popular Viikki area. Viikki is almost as idyllic as the countryside and especially popular among families with children, but people of all ages, from students to retired people, live in the area. A grocery store and school are less than a kilometer away from both of our locations. The spectacular Hallavuori outdoor recreational area will motivate you to exercise, and the area also has a riding school, among other activities. Helsinki city center is approximately 25 minutes away by car.
Avara has interesting apartment buildings in different parts of seaside Vuosaari. For example, our location on Hiekkalaiturintie is just next to the marina and the lovely Aurinkolahti beach. Vuosaari’s proximity to nature and the beautiful landscape are combined with a range of services that leaves nothing to be desired. Schools are close-by, which makes life easier for families with children. Opportunities for sport and recreation include everything from a sports field to an ice stadium. The metro takes you to downtown Helsinki in twenty minutes. There are also other great connections, including a good route to Porvoo.
Keski-Pasilaan ensi kesänä valmistuvien Avaran uudiskohteiden vuokraus käynnistyi viime viikon lopulla, ja asuntojen kysyntä on ollut huomattavan suurta.
Suomen ammattimaisen kiinteistömarkkinan kaupankäyntivolyymi vuodelle 2024 näyttää asettuvan alhaisimmalle tasolle 12 vuoteen. Markkina on tuona aikana nähnyt ...
Avaran ja Aitoenergian pitkäaikainen yhteistyö tähtää kiinteistökannan vähähiilisyyteen ja energiakustannusten hallintaan pitkällä aikajänteellä.
Agronominraitti 2
Ajurinkatu 4
Alvar Aallon katu 1
Ankkurikuja 1
Annikinkatu 8
Harjapäänkatu 28
Hatsalankatu 36
Heinämutka 10
Heinämutka 8
Helmiäiskatu 5
Hemmintie 6
Hinaajankatu 4
Hippiäiskuja 2
Honkakatu 1
Huhtalammentie 7
Huhtalammentie 9
Huhtatie 5
Iidankuja 1
Inkilänmäenkatu 27
Inkiläntie 4
Jynkänvuorenkatu 4
Järvisenkatu 1
Jättiläisenkaari 2
Kaarenpiha 3
Kalevalankatu 26
Kangasvuorentie 24
Karhunkatu 20
Kauppakatu 15
Kekkolantie 11
Ketunkallio 16
Kivikatu 7
Kivimäentie 3
Kokkomäentie 10
Kolmas Linja 17
Kopparinkatu 6
Kotikoivuntie 2
Kotikoivuntie 4
Kuhilaskuja 5
Kullervontie 2
Laakavuorentie 11
Laivakatu 1a
Laivakatu 1b
Lakeissuontie 11 C
Lehmustie 8
Lehtoniementie 124
Linnanpuistontie 1 (ent. osoite Pakarilantie 23)
Loimalahdentie 2
Lounatuulentie 4
Lystilänkatu 4
Läntinen kanavatie 23
Läntinen kanavatie 25
Maarukankuja 8
Meri-Rastilan tie 17
Mestarinkatu 12
Moberginkatu 2
Museokatu 12
Mutalahdenpuisto 3
Mutalahdenpuisto 4
Mäkiranta 2
Mäntynummenkuja 9
Nevakatu 4
Noljakantie 25
Norkkotie 1
Oikokatu 13
Orsitie 10
Paarmantie 5
Pakarilantie 23
Palanderinkatu 21
Palo-ojantie 2
Palojoentie 3
Palojoentie 5
Palojoentie 7
Palokorvenkatu 14
Palokuja 3
Palopellonkatu 16
Papulintie 6
Pellonreuna 6
Pellonreunantie 2
Peltolankaari 12a
Pirkkolantie 3
Pitkänmöljäntie 7
Poikuekuja 8
Posliinitehtaankatu 4
Puijonsarventie 63
Punakukonkatu 4
Puunhaltijankuja 5
Puusepänkuja 4
Puusepänkuja 6
Pyrytie 6
Rahikankatu 1
Rasinrinne 5
Rasvatie 1
Rasvatie 10
Rasvatie 6
Rauhalahdentie 42
Saarikatu 14a
Satutie 2
Savolanraitti 5
Schaumanin puistotie 31
Siipikuja 10
Siipikuja 2
Siipikuja 8
Sirppikatu 4
Soittajankuja 1
Sompionpolku 2
Suuruspääntie 5
Takaniityntie 16
Takaniityntie 7
Talonpojankatu 1
Tammistonkatu 27
Tapulikatu 19
Tapulikatu 21
Teirinpiha 2
Tiirantie 8 ja 12
Tikaskatu 3
Toini Muonan katu 3a
Tuomarilankatu 5-7
Tyrskykatu 1
Tyrskykatu 2
Tähtimötie 10
Vapaudenkatu 62
Vesivallintie 27
Vuorenpellontie 12
Vuorenpellontie 14
Välenojanpolku 10
Yhteiskouluntie 8
Ykköspesänkatu 2