Asset management

Active and profitable asset management

Asset management services

Our asset management services implement your investment strategy proactively, actively, and transparently. The management of the entire value chain of real estate business makes our potential for value creation special.

We take care of a real estate investment’s profitability, management, and development holistically and in accordance with the investment strategy. We provide extensive reports on the development of your investment’s value and returns, and forecast future development analytically, from the perspectives of different dimensions and alternatives.

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Insights based on knowledge

Avara has long-term experience of managing real estate investments as well as solid skills and achievements in both portfolio management and the active development of properties’ profitability. We manage assets with knowledge based on extensive analyses and by making use of our strong experience in the industry.

Sustainable returns

Sustainability forms a part of every stage of asset management. In addition to environmental issues and energy efficiency, we account for the aspects of social and financial responsibility. Environmental and energy savings translate into better returns for our investor-customers and into better living for our tenants.

Avara became a signatory to the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) in 2019. These external principles guiding our operations account for factors related to the environment, society, and good governance (ESG).

Assets under management (EUR billion)

Managed property assets as of 31 December

The real estate assets are mostly located in Finland’s growth centres

Breakdown of the value of real estate assets, 31 December 2023

Contact us

Tuomas Rantsi

COO and CDO, Partner